# Design Docs

Design docs site: https://minidonkey.github.io/design-docs (opens new window)

Design docs should cover all the high level designs that are hard to cover in comments.

# Overview

For simplicity, design docs primarily are written in markdown and rendered with VuePress (opens new window).

# Getting started

# Prerequisites

# Start locally

# Clone the repsository if you haven't done so
git clone https://github.com/tianhaoz95/photochat.git

# Go to the design docs sub-project
cd photochat/design

# Install dependencies
yarn install

# Start the design docs site locally
yarn docs:dev

# The local design docs site should start in http://localhost:8080

# Code formatting

yarn docs:format


Please make sure to format the code every time before pushing to the repository. Otherwise the linter checks will fail and block pull request merging.

# Building the site

yarn docs:build
# The static site generated locates in docs/.vuepress/dist


You almost never have to do this because the design docs are automatically deployed to the site with every valid pull request merge to the master branch.

# Deploy the docs

The design docs are deployed to this repository (opens new window) and hosted with GitHub Pages (opens new window).

# Manual Deployment

First copy the files generated (located in docs/.vuepress/dist) from the build step to a location outside the repository (e.g. /tmp/design-docs).

# This script assumes copying the static site into /tmp/design-docs
cd /tmp/design-docs
git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/MiniDonkey/design-docs.git
git add -A
git commit -m "docs: update"
git push -u -f origin master


You almost never have to do this because the design docs are automatically uploaded to the hosting repository every time a pull request is merged into the master branch.